Today before taking my weekly ride into Kedougou to do the radio show and other random things an amazing occurrence happened. I really should have taken a picture but I was just too damn excited and it was getting dark.
What I saw wasn't an animal or an amazing feat of strength/balance like the women who stack things on their heads. It was much simpler. It was people, the people of my village, all gathered in one place to learn how to read and write their local language from one of their own. They were studying, together, and supporting each other. My idea isn't crazy it can happen.
Most of the people there were women as the women's group's successful garden inspired a NGO to bring materials for them to study reading and writing. However, their children also has to come since mom went meaning they also get an education and all from a local guy who lives in the village and went through a previous NGO's training. Maybe the event was more beautiful because it was Aid work actually working and in a sustainable way.
I had to share this because as you, my followers, know I am building a Reading Room. This class now, which takes place under a make shift shade structure will move to the Reading Room once it is complete. I can't think of a better way to break the room in. People are actually excited about reading and following through. Man! I really hope this keeps up.
Wish me luck.
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